Friday 17 May 2013


I have just finished a 4 week stint in Obstetrics (birth) and Gynaecology (dealing with the consequences of birth) and couldn't help but draw comparisons to Ironman racing. For a long time now, I have been anxiously excited about my upcoming Ironman Wales race. Why the anxiety? Well it is probably because it will involve experiencing things that I will never have felt before! Extreme exhaustion, new levels of pain, metal fatigue, elation (if successful), and a barrage of other emotions I am sure I will encounter. But, what is the worst that can happen? I quit? Unlikely but who knows? I die? Extremely unlikely but nevertheless possible (there have been two unfortunate deaths this year).

So how does having a baby have parallels with racing an Ironman:

1) You plan to do it - You make a sensible decision that is well thought through! Or you end up inadvertently signing up while pissed.

2) You build up to the big day for 9 months - Its a long slog preparing for that big day, and give a few weeks here or there, takes approximately 9 months in total. There are regular tests along the way to make sure everything is going according to plan. You become demanding, eat strange foods, think the world revolves around you, and moan about how hard it is.

3) The big day comes - 12 hours of pain ensue! It starts off fairly gentle, however, after you have broken the water section, comes the long cycle! Then you are into the home straight, a punishing marathon before the crowning glory!


4) A lifetime of bragging - As the memories of the pain of that day become a distant memory, what you have left is priceless! 

5) Possibly some residual injuries - Most people get through unscathed, however a few have battle scars for life (which may be surgically correctable).

However, my month in Obs and Gynae has put a sense of perspective on what I am trying to do:

To all the woman who allowed me to be part of their big day on the labour ward, and in fact to any woman that has been through a pregnancy, I take my hat off to you! However, weighing up the options, I would take an Ironman race any day over that!


  1. Hahahaha yes mate, so true! Hope training's still going well. Good luck for September!

    1. Thanks Jo, if you fancy a ride some time, let me know! Always keen for more training partners!
